Thursday, July 3, 2008

Canada Day / Disney Package

Happy Belated Canada Day!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Canada Day, I know I did. I ended up going to Niagara Falls to relax for the day and watch the fireworks! It was an amazing day, I haven't been to the falls since I was little and I thought it was an experience a good Southern-Ontario Cultural Representative should have! As you can see from the picture, it was a beautifully sunny day, and the sun and the mist created gorgeous rainbows over the falls. I also had one more brand new experience... I went to a Casino! I didn't bet anything, though... just sort of walked in to see what it was like!

Disney Package!
When I got home from Niagara Falls (July 2nd) I was excited to see a note on my front door from the DHL courier company! They came again today and brought my Disney Package! It contained a "Congratulations" envelope which had my visa information, the Disney Look Book (red book), Disney stickers, Disney luggage tags, and information on the Disney work code, and the code of conduct for living in a Disney housing complex. Nothing too new or shocking, everything I'd heard from other Disney people!

Since I had my visa I thought I'd go extend my OHIP so I drove to Owen Sound. Unfortunately, I forgot my birth certificate, so I wasn't able to get the extension (I'll have to go another day), but I was able to pick up lots of maps from CAA! I picked up maps of the Eastern US, a couple of Florida, and a big tourism book of Florida. So it wasn't a waste of a trip!

I still have a lot of stuff to do, including packing, finishing some school stuff, and saying goodbye to people, but I leave in a week. I think I'm just starting to realize how hard it's going to be to say goodbye to everyone. I'm very independent, so I know I'll have no problems being on my own... but I'll definitely miss all of my friends and family. Still, I'm getting more and more excited to meet my new Disney friends who will soon become like my family. 7 days until I leave!


trac54 said...

Did you honestly not get your Disney package until a week before you left?

Or was that the second one?

Jenn said...

Sadly, this was the first thing I'd ever received from Disney by mail. I think there was a delay in the visas, and that's why they weren't sent until later... hopefully yours will come early! There isn't *too* much you need in them other than the satisfaction of knowing you have your visa.