Friday, March 13, 2009

The Start of February!

Pretty much all I've done so far this month is work, and so this blog will be very boring unless you're interested in reading the rants of a server ;)

Sunday February 1st was my first PM shift by myself! I was working in Northwest and it went very well! I definitely have some areas to improve, and could be a faster server, but hey... I'm still learning!

Monday February 2nd I worked an AM, this time in PEI. I had my first large party (a table of 8) and everything was going well until one of the servers became too sick and they decided he needed to be sent home. This is when the trouble started. I was given an extra table (although another server offered to take it) and another party of 8. It's incredible how much the party will determine how easy it is to serve them. This was a VERY needy 8 top. They wanted floats and constant refills and wine (not that I can complain about all of this... because that helps my beverage check average) but it takes a lot of time to get. I didn't even have time to bus my other table! While I was opening the wine (they were trying 2 different kinds of wine) with my back facing my extra table a party was sat there. By the time I turned around, the manager was already talking to them. Apparently, they'd been waiting awhile and were not impressed. The series of events took a really downward turn and things just kept getting worse. It was VERY stressful. The 8 just kept getting needier and the other table kept getting angrier. NOT a good combination. By the end of my shift I was DEFINITELY ready to go home and relax. I felt SO bad that this table didn't get the experience that you usually get at our restaurant. Fortunately, I was able to talk to my manager, we figured out what went wrong (we both made some mistakes) and steps to make sure it doesn't happen again. I left feeling better, but still decided to have a wine and movie night with Rebecca. We cooked dinner (pasta and pesto sauce) and relaxed while watching TV. It was awesome!

Tuesday February 3rd I was a 10:15. That means you work an AM but you have to come in an hour earlier to set everything up. My job was "lemons" so I had to cut the lemons and set up a couple of other things. I worked my AM in Nova Scotia, and my first table was sat at the table that didn't go so well the day before, so I was determined to ensure they had an enjoyable experience... and they did! Serving is just so stressful, because you never know what is going to happen, who your tables will be, whether you'll be double sat, etc. One day can be amazing and the next can be aweful! I'm sure it gets better as you gain experience and learn how to deal with all the different situations, but for now I go into work scared that I'm going to mess up, or have some very grumpy guests! Lucky for me, everyone was SO happy that day!

Wednesday February 4th was another AM in Nova Scotia. I really don't mind having 3 4-tops... it flows very nicely! At the end of lunch, my last table was amazing! They were a couple, probably in their late 20's and we had SUCH a good time talking. They gave me tips about things to do and see when I go to Disneyland! They reccommended this Japanese Steakhouse, Yamabuki, in one of the Disney hotels, so Rob and I are going to check it out! After work I reaxed and then it was throw-in time! Heather and I ordered pizza and some of our friends came over for Sing Star, pizza, and drinks! It was SO much fun. We're going to have to plan some more mini-parties. The throw-in was fun (as always), and afterwards I just went to bed, excited for a day off!

Thursday February 5th was my day off! I know I used to have weekends off, but in the schedule bid in January I requested Thursday/Friday for a couple of reasons...
  • Heather has those days off
  • Parks are busier on weekends
  • Payday is Thursday, so you'll always have money to do things ;)
  • If I ever wanted to do errands, banks and other businesses are often closed on weekends, which sucks.
    I didn't really do anything on my day off. Really, I just sat around relaxing and catching up on all the TV shows I didn't watch while Dad was here. It was the break I needed. I did do some research on bank accounts, and transferring money to Canada. Since I'm in service now I'm making more on a daily basis than I did in an entire week on podium, so I needed to find a way to save my money, and transfer it to Canadian funds when the exchange rate suits. Turns out the only bank that does that is RBC with their RBC Access account. If you're from Canada and doing the program I highly reccommend going to and reading about it. It allows you to transfer money from an American account to a Canadian account online anytime you'd like.

    Friday February 6th was another day off, only this time I decided to do something. I went to Partners, deposited the cash I had, and went to RBC to set up an account. They were very nice, and able to set up the US account but they just need a reference letter from Partners in order to set up a Canadian account. It's pretty sweet and I'm definitely looking forward to setting up a savings account and sending my savings to Canada!

    February 7th, 8th, and 9th I worked PM shifts. Other than work I didn't really do much. I find that I need to relax so that I have the energy to work a shift, so I end up catching up on TV shows that I've missed watching. Overall, it was quite fun!

    Tuesday February 10th was my first MID! A MID is when you work both the lunch and the dinner shift, so you end up working from 11:15am to 11pm. It's a VERY long day, but not too bad! For my AM I was in Quebec which would have scared be before, but they've modified it! The managers have moved our side station to where one of the tables in Quebec was, so now it's only an 8 and a 6... MUCH more manageable than two 6's and a 4! My AM went very well and I was done early so I had 30 minutes before "dinner" started to enjoy the best part of working a MID... the food. When you work both shifts you're allowed to order lunch from the restaurant. Yes, you still have to pay for it, but it's delicious and beats bringing a sandwhich! I decided to try our grilled steak burger. It was FANTASTIC! It's served on an english muffin with a house onion-ketchup. I know that sounds weird but trust me, it's amazing! For my PM shift I worked Northwest. It's really becoming my go-to section ;).

    Wednesday February 11th I worked a PM in Quebec. It is a nice section, but it was starting to get a little boring. You can either be in a big rush because both tables need things at the exact same time, or you can be bored out of your mind when they are both eating/waiting for food. I did have a very nice table from Kitchener at the end of the night, though! It's always nice to have guests from Canada, especially Ontario! After work I went to one of the saddest throw-outs yet. It was a throw out for 5 people: Brad, Tara, Janique, Jessie, and Adam. All of them are AMAZING and definitely make you smile when you're running around the kitchen so it won't be the same without them! Brad's throw-out was especially sad, because it was unexpected. He'd just found out he was termed for having a guest in The Commons after 1am. What's worse is that his contract was going to end in only a couple weeks, and now he has to go home early, without being in good standing with the company, and without Disney paying for his flight home.

    Thursday February 12th was another day off where (as usual) I did pretty much nothing.

    Friday February 3th was supposed to be a GMAT study day, but just as I was getting ready to head to the library I got a call from my manager asking if I could come in and work an AM. I said yes, and rushed to work. I was supposed to be in Quebec (an easy AM), but then was asked to switch to Saskatchewan... a MUCH more difficult section (because you have an extra table of 4). I took on the challenge, and it wasn't that bad! I was always on the run but it made the time fly by!

    Saturday February 14th was Valentine's day to some, but to me it was my longest shift to date! A manager needed someone to pick up a 10:15, and I was already working a PM that day, so I ended up working from 10:15am to 11pm. In the morning I was supposed to be in Northwest (YAY!) but then one of the servers didn't show up (she's a part time employee, who hasn't been seen in awhile) so they decided to close my section and move me to hers, Ontario. This was my first try at a 4 table section: two 2's and two 4's. It was going pretty well, I had an empty 4, a 6 waiting for entree's and a 2 just leaving so I decided to have a nice little chat with the 2. Apparently, this was the wrong decision. While chatting (and standing right beside my other table) the lady there got impatient and asked another server to grab the manager. She explained that I was very sweet but had been standing there talking to that table while they were waiting for their food. In heindsight I'm a little upset I didn't explain that we have food runners, but being me my first goal was just to get them their food (it was their son's 10th birthday afterall). So I went back to the kitchen where it was sitting, and the expo guy passed me the ticket (meaning it was JUST ready). So I brought it out. The lady took two bites of the prime rib sandwhich said it was "warm, not hot" and that she wouldn't eat it. I offered her a new sandwhich, everything... nothing would satisfy. So I got rid of the other sandwhich told my manager what happened, and the Chef decided to go out and talk to the lady. She sat there and screamed at the Chef and I for quite some time. Her child's steak (which is probably what they were waiting for) wasn't done properly and she was upset that "anyone would feed a child food so undercooked!". Plus she let me know that she was "understanding of the learning curve" but that I needed to learn not to let anyone sit there while their food was waiting. I desperately wished to tell her about food runners, and that her food was fine, but the Chef was there and it just didn't seem the time. I was pretty fed up with her and it wouldn't have come out right. So instead I just went back and focused on what I could do for my other tables. My managers talked to me, and let me know that it wasn't my fault... just a long ticket time to prepare the food. I guess I could have cut that conversation short to check on my table, but they had everything they needed and if she was that upset I was standing beside her! I mean, the tables are only about 3 feet apart and I was standing between them! She could have just tapped my shoulder or called my name but she seemed like the type of person who just wanted free stuff, which annoys me. Still, it wasn't a bad day in Ontario considering. What made it even more frustarating, though, was that "The Chief" from Grey's Anatomy dined at our restaurant and requested one of the tables in Northwest because it was so private! Alysha ended up picking it up, but while I was dealing with the angry table I couldn't help but think that I would have been meeting one of the stars of Grey's if that other server had just shown up to work! For my PM I was in Northwest, but by then it was a little too late.

    Sunday February 15th I picked up an AM for Alyssa so that she could go to Canada for the weekend. I was in Northwest for both my AM and my PM. Overall, it was a good day with good tables, but by the end I was just wishing I could work in ANY other section besides Northwest. It was getting a little extreme. I wanted a challenge!

    Monday February 16th I got my challenge! I was working a PM and was in Manitoba! At first I was being seated fairly quickly and felt like I was too rushed. I was getting everyone their meals in a timely fashion, but I didn't have the time to socialize or joke with any of my tables. It was okay service, but it wasn't the "Jenn" service I was able to give the other nights. I guess I won't complain if I get Northwest anymore!

    Tuesday February 17th I was scheduled to work a 10:15, but then was asked to stay for dinner and work a MID. Other than that, I don't really remember much about the 17th. All the hours I'm spending in the restaurant are starting to blend together and I can't even remember what section I was in!

    Wednesday February 18th I was a 10:15, but was not asked to extend, YAY! It was SO nice to only work the AM shift. You're done by 5pm and there's still daylight! DAYLIGHT! Plus, I took the opportunity to go home, take a nap, and start to pack for Disneyland!

    Thursday February 19th was my last day of work before Disneyland! I was SO tired and exhausted from working SO many hours, but I was excited about my vacation, so I kept working hard. I spent the morning in the Yukon, which really is a nice section. It has three 4's and a 2. My morning was very smooth! For my PM I switched with another server so I was in BC (one 6, one 5, one 4). Again, it went really well! I had such nice tables and before I knew it the night was over! Then all I had to do was finish packing and get to sleep so I could get on my plane to Las Angeles!
  • 1 comment:

    Anonymous said...

    I would really love to talk to you about your experience working for Disney. I'm a law professor in the USA and I'm currently doing research on Disney. if you're willing to speak with me, you can reach me at cfajmib at Kit.